Current Volunteers Experience

“What’s it Like?”…Our Current Volunteers’ Experiences

We are very lucky that both our Ashford and Canterbury groups have a core of fantastic regular volunteers, whose enthusiasm, hard work and regular attendance, allow us to carry out work all over our Partnership area.

With the launch of our new website we asked two of our regular volunteers to tell us why they volunteer and what keeps them coming out week after week…

‘A Day in the Life of a Conservation Volunteer’

Katie Volunteer constructing a hibernaculum at Hambrook embankment

Katie Z is one of our Canterbury Volunteers, and she has kindly allowed us to use a post from her blog, detailing a days work on one of our Canterbury sites.

‘A Year in the Life of a Volunteer’

"Dick Yarwood"

Richard Yarwood, another of our Canterbury volunteers, contributed a piece about volunteering to our previous website, with our new websites launch we went back to him for an update…

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